How to Draw Supergirl
In one of the previous instructions, the team of showed you how to portray Superman, and now we will tell you how to draw Supergirl. These two superheroes are quite similar to each other, but there are obvious differences that we will pay special attention to in this instruction.
Step 1
We will portray Supergirl in flight, so there will be some differences from a simply standing human figure. However, start drawing Supergirl from the skeleton. You can learn more about this in an article on how to draw a human body.
Step 2
Supergirl looks up, so the lines on the face should be appropriate. Next, connect the head and neck with a cylindrical neck. Now, using smooth lines, depict a torso considering the bends of the body.
Step 3
The arms of Supergirl should also be created using simple geometric shapes, but unlike men’s arms, female arms are drawn a little more refined and elegant.
Step 4
The legs in the female figure are also slightly different from the male legs, they are slightly wider at the hips and narrower at the knees and ankles.
Step 5
Now let’s move on to the details on Supergirl drawing. Using the transverse lines, first depict the eyes, then the frowning eyebrows above them. Then portray the nose and puffy lips.
Step 6
Let’s now depict hair. Here it is necessary to apply long, smooth and winding lines to depict the magnificent and beautiful hairstyle of Supergirl. By the way, in different comics, Supergirl’s hairstyle can be very different.
Step 7
Now it’s time to work with the details of the body. Trace the arms with smooth lines making them smoother and more complete. In the same stage, portray the fingers, as in the example from the artists of
Step 8
Now we will perform the same actions but with the lower body of Supergirl. Depict a skirt and trace the legs making them smoother and more finished. Depict distinctive boots.
Step 9
Now it’s time to portray the most distinctive detail of almost any old-school superhero – a cape. Depict it using flowing lines as the artists of did.

Step 10
Now let’s depict a big S on the chest of Supergirl. This part is no different from the same part on Superman’s chest. Try to repeat everything exactly as the artists of did in the image below this text.
Step 11
Now is the time to turn to an eraser, in order to get rid of auxiliary lines from Supergirl drawing with its assistance. Now trace the image and add the necessary finishing touches.
Step 12
In the final stage, we just have to paint Supergirl. The colors are standard, that is, it is a classic red-blue suit interspersed with yellow. If you did everything right, then the guide on how to draw Supergirl has come to an end.
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