How to Draw a Mouth

How to draw lips

Do you want to learn how to draw a mouth? If so, then with this instruction created by you will learn how to draw a mouth easy and quick!

This instruction, along with articles about the nose, ear, and eye, is part of the basic drawing instructions. They are needed in order to learn how to portray a human.


Step 1

Depict a very light, almost transparent line that will help to portray the mouth as the artists of did in the sketch below.

How to draw a mouth closed

Step 2

Now, using the M line, depict the top edge of the lip. It may be puffier or thinner than in the sketch from

How to draw a mouth and lips

Step 3

Now, using the wide U-shaped line, depict the lower lip. It can also be either thicker or thinner than in our artwork.

How to draw a mouth for beginners

Step 4

Now, carefully change the middle line as the artists of the did, so that the sketch becomes more like a real mouth.

Mouth drawing tutorial

Step 5

Wipe off all the auxiliary lines from the mouth drawing and trace all the necessary lines to make the artwork more clean and beautiful.

How to draw a realistic mouth

Step 6

Now take your favorite colors and paint the mouth. Depict some shadows to make your artwork look more beautiful and voluminous.

How to draw lips

So, above the team of showed you how to draw a mouth from the front, and below we show you how to draw a mouth from the side.


Step 1

Using three simple straight lines, depict the outlines of the lips. The lines should be very light and practically transparent.

How to draw a mouth easy step by step

Step 2

Now, using a long and smooth line, depict the shape of the upper lip, as the artists of did.

How to draw a mouth from the side

Step 3

Now, using a couple of simple lines, depict the lower and upper lips. Their shape may differ from what is shown in the sketch from the artists of

How to draw a mouth step by step

Step 4

Now let’s make our sketch look more like a mouth drawing. To do this, depict the outlines with thin lines as the artists of did.

How to sketch a mouth

Step 5

Now take the eraser and wipe off the unwanted lines from the mouth drawing, and trace the necessary lines with a darker pencil or ink.

How to draw a mouth easy

Step 6

Use skin colors to paint the mouth. The lips should be slightly darker than the skin. Shadows and highlights will make the mouth drawing more voluminous.

How to draw a mouth

We really hope that this instruction created by taught you how to draw a mouth. Write to us your opinion, because the artists and editors of really appreciate your attention. We read all your comments and respond to many of them.

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