How to Draw a Shirt
The team of has created many tutorials about clothes, and to continue this topic today we will show you how to draw a shirt. The shirt drawing will be a great addition to the hat, pants, and boots drawings. The guide on how to draw a shirt will be very simple. It consists of eight super simple stages, each new line of which is painted red for maximum simplicity and clarity.
To begin the process of learning how to draw a shirt, you will need your favorite art set. You can draw a shirt with a simple pencil on piece of paper or with an electronic pen on a graphics tablet.
Step 1
So, first, let’s depict the auxiliary lines, with the help of which we will further form the drawing of the shirt. Let’s start with the torso, depicting it in the form of a trapezoid shape.
Step 2
Now let’s depict the sleeves of the shirt. We decided to draw a shirt with long sleeves, but using this tutorial on how to draw a shirt, you can depict a shirt with short sleeves.
Step 3
Using a curved line, create the upper part of the shirt. Next, depict the lower edge of the shirt with another curved line.
Step 4
Draw a shirt collar at the top. It may look like in the example drawn by the artists of, or have a different look.
Step 5
Use the two long lines to depict the front placket. This is the part of the shirt on which the buttons will be located. Draw cuffs on the lower part of the sleeves.
Step 6
Now, using a series of circles, draw the buttons on the front bar. Next, draw seams and folds in the armpits and sleeves.
Step 7
Now take an eraser and wipe off guidelines from the sketch of the shirt. To make your shirt look clearer and more aesthetic, trace your work with dark pencil or ink.
Step 8
We decided to paint the shirt in light blue, but you can choose any other color. To make the shirt look more beautiful and voluminous, you can add shadows.
Another tutorial about drawing clothes came to an end. We hope that with the help of it you could learn how to draw a shirt. To improve your clothing design skills, go to the Clothing category and learn how to draw glasses, sneakers, and other items of clothing.