How to Draw a Scorpion

how to draw a scorpionToday’s guide will be devoted to how to draw a scorpion. This is a very unusual little predator and we hope we were able to portray it as cool as possible.


Step 1

First, we sketch out the body and tail of our little predator. It looks a bit like an inverted comma. As you can see, the tail is longer than the torso. The scorpion has a rather long tail. This effect is enhanced by the angle.

how to draw a scorpion easy

Step 2

Let’s draw the proximal parts of the claws. As you can see, each part consists of three small, rounded segments of different shapes.

how to draw a scorpion step by step

Step 3

Now it’s time for the distal part of each claw. Let’s draw this. Do not draw too large claws, try to keep the proportions from our sample.

how to draw a scorpion step by step easy

Step 4

Excellent, we have the approximate contours of the body, tail and claws of our scorpion. Now we will try to outline the outlines of the front paws.

how to draw an easy scorpion

Step 5

Add the next pair of paws. Note that this looks like two nearly right angles. The distance between the paws farthest from us should be much less than the distance between the paws closest to us.

how to draw a cartoon scorpion step by step

Step 6

In this step, another pair of legs awaits us. In fact, in this lesson, the most difficult thing is to correctly observe the shape and position of the paws. The peculiarity of this step is the huge difference between the angles of the paw farthest from us and the paw closest to us.

how to draw a cartoon scorpion

Step 7

The tricky parts of this tutorial will end in this step. Now we are finishing drawing the paws, we only need to draw the last pair. Here we see the sharpest difference in angle and size.

how to draw a cool scorpion

Step 8

So we continue the guide on how to draw a scorpion. We’ve done a really great job in the past steps. Now we sketch out the outlines of the carapace segments. In our case, these are ten small parallel lines that are equidistant from each other.

how to draw a scorpion easy step by step

Step 9

In this step, we sketch out the outlines of a large segment, which is located very close to the head. Try to use smooth lines like in our sample.

how to draw a scorpion in easy way

Step 10

A scorpion’s tail also has several segments. Let’s depict four rounded segments that form the proximal part of the tail. The first segment is noticeably shorter than the other segments.

scorpion drawing easy

Step 11

The scorpion’s most formidable weapon is its sting. Let’s draw a scorpion sting in this step. Note the pointed end that is slightly curved upward.

scorpion drawing images

Step 12

Erase the extra guide lines from our scorpion. We also check the entire drawing for errors and inaccuracies. Now is a great time to fix them with an eraser.

scorpion drawing pictures

Step 13

Use any colors to color your scorpion. If you opt for monochrome, stock up on a darker shade for lighter shadows. By the way, if you like to draw animals, you can look into a special section on this topic.

how to draw a scorpion

So we hope you enjoyed our guide. Do not forget to write us in the comments what you think about our work. It is very important for us!

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