How to Draw a Nose
In the previous instructions, the team of showed you how to draw an eye and an ear, and now we show you how to draw a nose. All these lessons are very useful if you want to depict a human.
Step 1
So, first of all, let’s depict a vertical straight line, which will serve as the main auxiliary line for the nose.
Step 2
In the lower part, depict the tip, as the artists of did in the sketch below.
Step 3
Now depict the central part of the nose. Next, depict the nostrils. They can look either as in our example or have a different shape.
Step 4
Now, using a smooth line, depict a nose bridge. At the tip, depict a line separating the upper and lower faces of the nose.
Step 5
Now erase the guidelines from the nose and with a darker pencil or ink, trace the artwork to make it more aesthetic.
Step 6
Paint the nose in your favorite colors. Add shadows and highlights to make the nose look beautiful and voluminous.
So, above the team of showed you how to draw a nose from the front, and below we will show you how to draw a nose from the side.
Step 1
So, with a long and smooth line, depict the front surface of the nose. The shape of the nose may repeat ours or be different.
Step 2
Now, using a short smooth line, depict the lower part of the nose. The size and shape of the nose, of course, can be very different from ours.
Step 3
Now, using a simple curved line, depict a nostril. The inclination and shape of the nostril may also differ from our example.
Step 4
In this stage, we will actually finish drawing the nose, depicting the outline of the nose alae as the artists of did.
Step 5
Wipe off all auxiliary guidelines from the artwork with an eraser and trace the artwork with a dark pencil or ink.
Step 6
Now, using your favorite color palette, paint the nose with either the colors presented by the artists of or use other colors.
Could the artists of have taught you how to draw a nose with this instruction? Write to us your opinion on the stages presented above, because we read all your comments and respond to many of them.