How to Draw Spawn

Learn how to draw Spawn, one of the most unique looking comic book characters and an antihero who rose from Hell.
Spawn, like most comic book characters, has certain details and features that make him recognizable. This is his mask, patterns on his suit and his characteristic cape. In this tutorial, we will draw these details.
In addition to the specific details that are characteristic of a particular character, there are also general details that are inherent in comic book characters in general. For example, this is a muscular build and a certain body proportion. We will also learn how to draw this in this lesson.
How to Draw Spawn Step-by-Step
Step 1: Sketch the Basic Spawn’s Skeleton
Sketch the basic structure of Spawn using simple shapes, including an oval for the head, a torso outline, and straight lines for the arms and legs. Use small circles for the joints.

Step 2: Add Volume to the Upper Body
First, draw intersecting lines on the face, which will help you draw the details of the face later. Refine the torso of Spawn by adding rounded shapes to add dimension.

Step 3: Add Volume to the Arms and Hands
Refine the arms by sketching cylindrical shapes for the muscles. Sketch simple circles for the shoulders and elbows. Add simple hand outlines to provide a foundation for further details.

Step 4: Add Volume to the Legs
Shape the legs by drawing thicker outlines to represent muscles. Use simple circles for the knees. Add simple feet shapes to complete the lower body structure.

Step 5: Detail the Mask of Spawn
First, give Spawn’s head a more natural look. Next, draw the eyes, using guidelines. After that, draw the characteristic angular pattern around the eyes to complete the drawing of Spawn’s mask.

Step 6: Draw the Top of Spawn’s Cape
Using several long and smooth lines, draw the top of Spawn’s cape. Next, add two round buckles on the character’s shoulders. Add folds for greater realism.

Step 7: Detail the Costume on the Torso
Detail the chest with Spawn’s angular pattern and refine the belt with additional elements, such as a buckle and surrounding details.

Step 8: Detail the Arms of Spawn
Now, using smooth, rounded lines, draw the muscles on Spawn’s shoulders. Next, detail the biceps and triceps, giving them a distinct and voluminous look. Draw the muscles of the forearms, detail the hands, and outline the gloves.

Step 9: Outline Spawn’s Cape
Draw the flowing cape behind Spawn’s back, adding lines for folds. Adjust its position for more realistic look. The side corners of the cape should be noticeably longer than the rest of the cape.

Step 10: Add Details to the Lower Body
Refine the legs of Spawn and draw small elements like knees and muscle lines. Next, draw the boots, detailing their upper part as in our example.

Step 11: Finalize the Spawn Sketch
Now erase all unnecessary auxiliary guidelines from the Spawn drawing. Next, outline the necessary lines, giving them a finished look. Add missing details, if necessary.

Step 12: Add Color to the Drawing of Spawn
Fill in the drawing with Spawn’s signature colors: black, red, yellow, and white. Add shadows to give your Spawn drawing a more dimensional look.

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