How to Draw Forky

In this lesson we will show you how to draw Forky. You can easily cope with this creative task thanks to our clear and accessible instructions.
If you like to draw unusual characters, then we recommend that you complete a new lesson on how to draw Forky. This is one of the characters in the Toy Story series, and is also a playable character in a video game.
Forky is a white plastic fork that has bulging eyes of different sizes, a blue plasticine mouth and a red plasticine eyebrow. The legs are two halves of a popsicle stick, and the arms and hands are made from a red brush. This character looks very unusual.
Time needed: 1 hour
How to Draw Forky
- Draw the base.
Determine the size of your drawing and draw an oval. Draw a vertical line at the bottom of the oval.
- Add the limbs.
Use straight lines to define the position of the upper and lower limbs. At the initial stage, use only thin lines.
- Start detailing the head.
Focus on the auxiliary lines and make the outline of the head clearer. Draw four teeth at the top and add the wide eyebrow.
- Depict the elements of the face.
Draw the eyes in the form of circles of different diameters and draw the large mouth with smooth lines.
- Add the neck and upper body.
From the head, draw down smooth lines to depict the long neck. At the bottom, add the wide rim and a small circle.
- Sketch out one hand.
Use the guideline as a guide and give the arm the desired thickness. Draw three big fingers.
- Draw the second arm.
This step is similar to the previous one and here you also need to add thickness and draw three thumbs.
- Depict the torso.
With smooth lines, mark the sides of the torso and draw the lower outline. Add a small circle at the bottom.
- Add the lower part of the body.
Draw smooth curved lines to the sides and draw the lower outline of the same shape as in our example.
- Sketch out the legs.
Continue adding body elements and in this step give the legs the desired shape and thickness, focusing on the auxiliary lines.
- Correct inaccuracies.
Now you can carefully remove the guidelines as they are not needed. Correct errors if necessary.
- Color the drawing.
For coloring, you will need different shades of gray, as well as red, blue, and black.
The next lesson has come to an end, and now you can evaluate the result of your work. Try other tutorials provided on this site and learn how to draw other unusual characters. Follow us on social networks, and we will keep you up to date with important information.