How to Draw Black Adam

We invite you to an exciting drawing lesson in which we will show you how to draw Black Adam. With the help of this lesson, you will greatly improve your artistic abilities.
So, we have prepared for you detailed instructions on how to draw Black Adam. This is a super villain from comics published by DC Comics. Black Adam has tremendous strength, stamina, and speed. With the help of mystical energy, Black Adam can fly.
In the process of work, try to keep the proportions and carefully draw all the lines so that in the end the character is easily recognizable. We wish you creative success!
Time needed: 1 hour
How to Draw Black Adam
- Prepare baselines.
Draw the main parts of the body in the form of figures of various shapes. With a smooth line, mark the central axis of the body.
- Add the limbs.
Using a few thin, straight lines, mark the position of the arms and legs. Draw the folds as large dots.
- Detail the head.
Focus on the auxiliary lines and circle the head along the contour, giving it the desired shape. Draw the ears and depict the strands of the hair on the head.
- Draw the facial features.
Depict the eyes, eyebrows, nose, and mouth. Using curved lines, add the skin folds and depict relief on the cheekbones.
- Start drawing the clothes.
Use smooth lines to draw the wide collar and pointed elements on the shoulders. On the chest, depict the figured element of a triangular shape.
- Draw one arm.
Focus on the auxiliary lines and give one arm the desired shape and thickness. Try to correctly depict the relief of the muscles. Add some big folds.
- Depict one hand.
Continue to draw the elements of the hand and in this step add the wide wrist and the hand in which the fingers are clenched into the fist.
- Sketch out the second arm.
Use the lines you drew earlier as a guide and give the second arm the desired shape and thickness. Here you also need to depict the relief of the muscles and a few folds.
- Add the second hand.
Draw the wide bandage on the wrist and draw the hand below, in which the fingers are clenched into the fist.
- Draw the middle of the torso.
Add elements of the body and in this step depict the thoracic region and part of the belly. With the help of smooth lines depict the relief of the muscles.
- Depict one leg.
Focus on the auxiliary lines and give one leg the desired shape. Draw the wide belt at the top and draw the high boot at the bottom.
- Sketch out the second leg.
This step is similar to the previous one and here you have to perform the same actions. Try to correctly depict the relief of the muscles and the shape of the boot.
- Add the rest of the clothes.
Now draw the wide cloak behind the back. On the sides, use smooth lines, and depict the bottom contour using curved lines.
- Correct inaccuracies.
Now all the main elements are ready, and you can carefully remove all the extra lines on your drawing to prepare it for coloring.
- Color the drawing.
Color the skin beige, paint the hair black. For coloring clothes, use yellow, dark gray and black.
This is the end of another drawing lesson. We hope that you did good work at each stage of drawing, and you got a great drawing. If you want to be aware of all the new products, be sure to subscribe to us on social networks.