How to Draw a Snail

We bring to your attention an excellent drawing lesson in which you will learn how to draw a snail step by step.
So, we offer you this useful drawing lesson in which we will tell and show you how to draw a snail step by step. This step-by-step instruction consists of only nine simple steps, each of which is accompanied by a detailed description.
You don’t have to worry that you won’t be able to do this work, because we have developed this tutorial especially for beginners, and it does not contain complex elements.
Each of you has seen such an interesting animal as a snail. This living being is protected by a shell located on the body. The shell is an important and integral part of the body of the snail, as it protects it from enemies, negative external factors and retains moisture.
The lower part of the snail’s body is called the leg, and the snail moves on a sole that covers the lower part of the leg. Snails can have different sizes and colors. Snails live both in the wild and at home. However, their habitats depend on the breed of the snail.
Snails look very funny and fascinating, they are often fascinating to watch. With the help of this instruction, you will learn how to draw a snail yourself, and then you will be able to depict this animal against the background of any natural landscape.
Time needed: 1 hour
How to Draw a Snail
- Draw the lower body of the snail.
You need to draw one long horizontal line, and then draw curved lines from one end to the other.
- Add the outline of the snail shell.
Above the previously drawn elements of the body of the snail, depict one large arc, as shown in the figure.
- Sketch out the bottom and inner parts of the snail shell.
From the ends of the previously drawn arc, draw a wavy and rounded line. Inside the shell, an incomplete oval should be depicted.
- Finish drawing the inside of the snail shell.
Continue the previously drawn incomplete oval to depict a curved line, twisted in a spiral.
- Add the top horns of the snail.
In front of the body of the snail, depict two elements using curved lines and arcs at the top of them, as shown in the figure.
- Depict the lower horns and lower torso.
In the lower part of the body, draw a wavy line in place of the horizontal line. Add two small elements in front of the torso.
- Add decorative elements.
To make the snail shell look more voluminous and realistic, you should add many broken curved lines of different lengths inside it.
- Prepare the drawing for coloring.
Now that your drawing is almost ready, you should remove unnecessary auxiliary lines from it using an eraser.
- Color the drawing.
To color the snail, use shades of green and shades of brown. Draw shadow areas as shown in the figure.
On this, this step-by-step instruction, with which you learned how to draw a snail step by step, came to an end. Now you know how to draw this animal, and can use your skills to create many of your beautiful pictures in the future. Don’t forget to leave your feedback, so we know if you enjoyed this tutorial.