How to Draw a Peacock

how to draw a peacock

Today, in this simple lesson you will learn how to draw a peacock. Start this guide and get useful drawing skills.

In this tutorial you will learn how to draw a peacock. We are sure that you will really like this instruction, because the peacock is a great object for drawing. This is one of the most beautiful birds in the world.

Male peacocks have a huge tail that opens in the shape of a fan. It looks just great! You can admire a peacock for a very long time.

With the help of a simple instruction, you will easily draw this majestic bird. Just be careful and consistent, and then you will get an excellent result.

Time needed: 1 hour and 10 minutes

How to Draw a Peacock

  1. Prepare the base.

    Draw auxiliary shapes that will help you correctly position the parts of the body. To do this, draw a small circle to represent the head and draw a large circle at the bottom to indicate the position of the to draw a peacock step by step

  2. Depict the neck and beak.

    Draw smooth lines that connect the head and torso on each side. Draw the small beak on the to draw a peacock easy

  3. Add the top of the paws.

    In order to draw the upper part of the legs, you can use one wavy line, which must be drawn in the lower part of the to draw a peacock body

  4. Sketch out the bottom of the paws.

    In this step, depict long thin paws and add three pointed fingers at the bottom. Try to keep proportions and correctly depict the size of the to draw a peacock with a pencil

  5. Depict the elements of the feathers.

    Each feather on the peacock’s tail has a beautiful multicolored oval at the end, and in this step draw these ovals that are located around the to draw and paint a peacock

  6. Make the tail more voluminous.

    Repeat the previous step and add a few more layers of feathers on the tail. Just add the same ovals you drew in the previous to draw a peacock step by step with pencil

  7. Add the base of the feathers.

    From each oval, draw a small line, which is the main frame of the plumage. It will take some time, but you will get excellent to draw a peacock picture

  8. Draw the top outline of the feathers.

    Draw a small, curved line above each feather. Perhaps this work will seem laborious and painstaking to you, but then you will be proud of to draw a peacock by pencil

  9. Correct the inaccuracies.

    Compare your drawing with the example and correct any inaccuracies as needed. Carefully remove all extra to draw a peacock cartoon

  10. Color the peacock.

    To color the peacock’s plumage, use the brightest colors. Color the body blue and color the tail feathers to draw a peacock

It was another fascinating lesson on how to draw a peacock. Thank you for being interested in our drawing lessons and trying to improve your artistic skills. The more you practice, the better your drawings will look. Use our instructions and share your impressions in the comments.

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