How to Draw a Dragon Head

How to Draw a Dragon Head

In one of the previous lessons, the crew of showed you how to portray a dragon, and now we will show you how to draw a dragon head. In world culture, a huge number of dragons were invented, and with the help of this instruction, you can draw the head of a dragon of any type and complexity.


Step 1

So, start drawing the dragon’s head with a simple ball. This will be the very base. Complete the first stage by portraying a neck with a simple line.

how to draw a dragon head for beginners

Step 2

Now, using simple loose lines, portray the muzzle of the dragon. Repeat the form presented by the artists of or create your own form.

how to draw a dragon head step by step for beginners

Step 3

Now go to the very top of the head of the ancient reptile and depict long and slightly curved horns-ears. This monster detail may also differ from the example below.

how to draw a dragon head easy step by step

Step 4

Now, using a long wiggling line, depict the monster’s grinning mouth. After that, depict the evil eyes just above. By the way, in the article on how to draw a dragon’s eye, you will learn more about this.

how to draw a dragon head easy

Step 5

Let’s give the dragon’s head a more regular shape. To do this, correct his forehead, depict a line above the eye and on the horn and depict a small nostril.

how to draw a dragon head step by step

Step 6

Now we need the help of an eraser. Take it and wipe off all the auxiliary lines that we created in the first stage. Add a couple of finishing touches if required.

how to draw a dragon head cute

Step 7

So, dear readers of, if you did everything right and followed our instructions exactly, then your dragon drawing should look something like this.

how to draw a cool dragon head easy

Step 8

We decided to paint the dragon in a swamp green color, but you can choose absolutely any other color. In various culture works, you can find white, red and even golden dragons.

How to Draw a Dragon Head

So, dear friends, if you read these lines, then most likely you have either already learned how to draw a dragon head or just scrolled the page down. We really hope that you have the first option. If not, then move to the very top of the page and still try to learn how to draw a dragon’s head, we are sure that you can do it.


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