How to Draw Steven Universe

We are pleased to offer you an exciting lesson in which we will show you how to draw Steven Universe. We hope you enjoy this tutorial and have a pleasant experience.
So, here is a detailed instruction on how to draw Steven Universe. Now you have to draw one of the heroes of the popular fantasy animated series. According to the plot, Steven, along with his friends, saves the Earth.
Try to keep all proportions and carefully draw all the lines so that the hero is easily recognizable. We wish you to successfully complete this creative task and get an excellent result.
Time needed: 1 hour
How to Draw Steven Universe
- Prepare the base.
Draw the main parts of the body in the form of oval shapes. Using one smooth line, mark the central axis of the body.
- Add the limbs.
Use a few lines to mark the position of the arms and legs. Do not forget that at the initial stage the lines should be thin.
- Draw the head.
Focus on the auxiliary lines and give the head the desired shape. Draw the ear and with the help of a few curved lines outline the top outline of the hair. Depict the eyebrows.
- Depict the mouth.
In this step, you have to depict only one element of the face – this is the wide open mouth. Draw the top row of the teeth and tongue.
- Add the rest of the elements of the face.
Now draw the eyes in the form of two ovals and draw the small nose. Be careful and respect the proportions.
- Sketch out one arm.
Focus on the auxiliary lines and give the arm the desired shape and thickness. Draw the hand with the palm turned up.
- Draw the second arm.
In this step, you will also add the desired shape and thickness to the hand. Depict the hand with the palm pointing up as well.
- Depict the elements of the clothing.
Add the sides of the jacket using smooth curved lines and carefully add the bottom outline.
- Add the pants.
Use the lines you drew earlier as a guide and give the legs the desired thickness. Draw the belt and draw the bottoms of the trousers.
- Sketch out the shoes.
On the feet, draw the sandals in which the socks are turned in opposite directions. Take your time and carefully draw all the lines.
- Detail the clothes.
Draw the cuffs and pockets. Add some stripes on the collar and along the bottom outline of the garment. Depict the star on the belly.
- Correct inaccuracies.
The main contours are ready, and now you can remove all unnecessary lines in your drawing. Correct errors if necessary.
- Color the drawing.
Color the skin pink, color the hair black. For coloring clothes, use blue, blue, lilac, and yellow.
This is the end of another fascinating drawing lesson. We want to know if you enjoyed this tutorial. We always read your feedback with interest. Furthermore, we will be glad to see you among our subscribers from social networks.