How to Draw Ronald Reagan

We bring to your attention a fascinating drawing lesson in which you will learn how to draw Ronald Reagan. This lesson will be very interesting and useful for each of you.
With the help of our clear and accessible instructions, you will learn how to draw Ronald Reagan. This is the 40th President of the United States of America.
In this lesson, your care and accuracy will be required, because you must correctly depict individual features so that the president is easily recognizable in your drawing. Take your time and carefully draw all the lines that are marked in red, observe all proportions.
Time needed: 1 hour
How to Draw Ronald Reagan
- Prepare baselines.
Decide what the size and location of the drawing will be and use thin lines to draw a smooth oval.
- Mark up the face.
Define the center of the face with a vertical line and add two horizontal lines.
- Draw the ears and upper body.
Depict two ears on the sides of the head, draw small lines below the head to represent the neck, and using curved lines draw the shoulders.
- Outline the eyes and nose.
Focus on the auxiliary lines and draw the outline of two eyes. Draw the tip of the nose in the form of a circle and with the help of semicircular lines add the nostrils on the sides.
- Add the rest of the elements of the face.
Sketch out the eyebrows in the same shape as in our example and also draw the outline of the mouth using smooth lines.
- Draw the hair and make the outlines clearer.
Carefully trace the ears, neck, and oval of the face along the contour, focusing on the auxiliary lines. With the help of smooth lines depict the hair on the head.
- Detail the eyes.
Make the outline of the eyes clearer while giving them the desired shape. Add irises, as well as creases on the upper and lower eyelids.
- Sketch out the eyebrows.
Draw the eyebrows of the same shape as in our example. Between the eyebrows, draw two curved lines to depict the folds of the skin between the eyebrows.
- Detail the nose.
Focus on the lines that you drew in the previous steps and give the nose the desired shape. Using thin lines, mark the bridge of the nose and the side of the nose.
- Detail the mouth.
Make a clear outline of the mouth, draw the row of teeth. Using thin, curved lines, depict the nasolabial folds, as well as the skin folds on the cheek and chin.
- Draw the clothes.
The main contours of the head are ready, and now you can start drawing clothes. Draw the jacket, shirt collar and tie.
- Make the drawing more realistic.
Using short, thin strokes, add the skin folds on the face and neck. Also depict the individual strands of the hair on the head.
- Correct inaccuracies.
Take a close look at the drawing and compare it with our example. If you notice mistakes, then immediately correct them and remove all unnecessary lines.
- Color the drawing.
For coloring the skin, use beige natural shades. Color the hair and eyebrows dark brown. For coloring the clothes, use beige, gray, and burgundy.
So the fascinating drawing lesson came to an end. We hope that you did a good work and you got a great drawing. We will be glad to see you among our subscribers in social networks.