How to Draw Eyebrows

With this tutorial you will learn how to draw eyebrows step by step. Undoubtedly, this step-by-step guide will be very useful for each of you.
If you want to learn how to draw individual elements of the face, then be sure to follow this lesson, in which we will show you how to draw eyebrows step by step. The instruction is very simple and includes only five steps that you can easily follow.
You can use the acquired skills in the future when you want to draw the face of any person. Eyebrows can have different shapes, and when you draw a portrait of a person, always take into account the individual features of the structure of the eyebrows.
Time needed: 1 hour
How to Draw Eyebrows
- Prepare the base.
At the initial stage, use only thin, barely visible lines with which you can determine the position and size of the eyebrows.
- Add the outline of the eyebrows.
Focus on the auxiliary lines and depict the outer contour of the eyebrows, while selecting the small individual hairs along the upper edge.
- Detail the eyebrows.
The main contour is ready, and now you can add details. Draw the short, thin strokes to depict the individual hairs on the eyebrows and thereby give the drawing a more realistic look.
- Correct inaccuracies.
Check if you have correctly depicted the shape of the eyebrows. If you notice inaccuracies, correct them immediately. Use the eraser to remove all extra lines in the drawing.
- Color the drawing.
For coloring the skin, use any natural shades. The eyebrows color in any dark color.
So the simple and useful lesson came to an end, in which you learned how to draw eyebrows. We would be interested to know your opinion about this lesson, and we will wait for your feedback. Subscribe to us on social networks so as not to miss new drawing lessons.