How to Draw an Eagle

We bring to your attention an excellent drawing lesson in which you can learn how to draw an eagle step by step.
So, our team has prepared for you an exciting drawing lesson in which we will tell and show you how to draw an eagle step by step. This lesson is sure to appeal to anyone who is fond of birds or animals.
Surely you know that the ability to draw birds is very important for artists. We have developed this tutorial especially for beginners, so there are no too complicated elements in it.
Typically, eagles are brown and white. Also, these birds have strong, pointed claws that help them capture prey. Surely you are already interested in this bird, and go out as soon as possible to learn how to draw it. Then we suggest you prepare everything you need and start drawing, carefully following our instructions.
Time needed: 1 hour
How to Draw an Eagle
- Define the markup for your drawing.
First, you need to indicate the location of the head and body of the eagle in the figure. Draw two shapes that look like an oval.
- Depict the neck and tail of the eagle.
Using two curved lines of different lengths, connect the oval shapes. Add a curved line below the outline of the torso.
- Sketch out the eagle’s beak.
On the previously drawn head of the eagle, draw the large, pointed beak using curved lines.
- Add facial features.
On the surface of the beak, add one dot, draw the eye as a circle and the large dot inside it, add a curved line.
- Sketch out the plumage on the eagle’s neck.
To make your drawing look more realistic, you should add curved and zigzag lines on the eagle’s neck.
- Add the outlines of the eagle’s wing.
On the body and tail of the eagle, draw a long, curved line, and also add a few short broken lines.
- Depict the plumage on the wing and tail of the eagle.
Now you should add many curved and straight lines on the surface of the bird’s tail and wing.
- Start drawing the legs of the eagle.
At the bottom of the eagle’s torso, you should add some curved lines to draw the bases of the bird’s legs.
- Finish drawing the legs of the eagle.
Continue drawing the previously drawn lines to draw the feet, long toes, and the pointed claws on the eagle’s paws.
- Correct inaccuracies.
Now you can use the eraser to remove all unnecessary guidelines, prepare it for coloring.
- Color the drawing.
To color the eagle, use shades of gray, shades of brown and yellow. Be sure to mark the place of the shadow in the picture.
At this step, this drawing lesson, in which you were able to learn how to draw an eagle step by step, has come to an end. We hope you enjoyed this tutorial and had a great time. Now you have improved your artistic skills and will be able to depict the eagle in the background of the natural landscape, and also as the main subject of your drawing. Do not forget to share your impressions about this lesson in the comments, as well as complete other lessons published on our website.