How to Draw a Queen

In this drawing lesson we will show how to draw a queen. With this step-by-step guide, you will train your creative skills once again.
So, before you is a clear and accessible instruction on how to draw a queen. Here you see Queen Elizabeth. The reign of Queen Elizabeth is a whole era in the history of Great Britain.
In this lesson you will draw Queen Elizabeth in full growth. Here the queen is dressed in a long dress, on her chest there is a ribbon with medals and on her head there is a crown, which is a symbol of power.
Time needed: 1 hour
How to Draw a Queen
- Prepare the base.
Start drawing by building baselines. Determine the position of the main parts of the body using shapes of different shapes.
- Determine the position of the limbs.
Use thin, straight lines of varying sizes to define the position of the arms and legs. Draw the folds as large dots.
- Mark up the face and draw the outline of the torso.
Depict a thin vertical line on the head. Draw connecting lines from the head to the chest to depict the neck and shoulders and draw the sides of the torso.
- Sketch out the hands.
Focus on the auxiliary lines and depict the individual parts of the hand in the form of cylindrical figures. Draw the places of the folds in the form of circles and add the outline of the hands.
- Draw the legs.
Depict individual parts of the legs. At this stage, use thin lines that you can easily remove if necessary.
- Start detailing the head.
Make a clear oval of the face, add the ears and earrings. With the help of smooth curved lines depict the hair and draw the crown on the head.
- Add facial features.
Depict the eyes, eyebrows, nose, and mouth. Add the folds on the eyelids, as well as the nasolabial folds and folds in the lower part of the face.
- Draw the decorations and ribbon with the medals.
Depict the outline of the collar with a wavy line. Draw the large beads on the queen’s neck. Add the wide ribbon on which the medals are located.
- Depict the sleeves.
As a guide, use the lines you drew in the previous steps and draw the sleeves and the lower part of the arms. Draw the bracelet on one hand.
- Add the hands.
This step will require you to be careful and accurate, because you must correctly depict the position of the fingers. Draw the ring on one finger.
- Sketch out the lower part of the torso.
With the help of smooth lines depict the long straight dress. On the thigh, draw the bottom of the ribbon.
- Detail the clothes and hair.
Draw smooth wavy lines on the front of the dress. Add the folds of the fabric and depict the individual strands of the hair.
- Correct inaccuracies.
Now all the contours are drawn, it remains only to remove the extra lines. If you notice mistakes, you can correct them at this stage.
- Color the drawing.
Color the skin beige, paint the hair gray. You will also need yellow, brown, blue, and purple.
This is the end of another drawing lesson. We hope that you tried your best and you got a great drawing. We encourage you to follow us on social media if you haven’t already.