How to Draw a Platypus

how to draw a platypus

In this drawing tutorial, we will show you how to draw a platypus – an animal that makes real delight. It is not surprising, because in many countries it is not often found, except in zoos. Platypuses live in Australia – the only country that occupies the whole continent. Drawing this animal is not difficult. You do not need special skills and abilities. Try to draw without using any auxiliary tools We know you will succeed!


How to Draw a Platypus

Step 1 – Draw the Outlines of the Head and Torso

So, we are starting a guide on how to draw a platypus. Firstly, draw two shapes: a large oval and a small circle. Soon it will be the body and head of our platypus. The lower part of the oval should be made a little smoother than the upper one because we are depicting the animal in the “lying” position.

how to draw a platypus easy

Step 2 – Sketch the Tail of the Platypus

Next, we need to connect these two shapes as shown in the picture. We do this using a semicircular line. After the body parts are connected, you can start drawing the tail. It is located on the right side of the oval.

how to draw a platypus cartoon

Step 3 – Sketch the Platypus Beak

The tail is ready, now we draw the nose. This is the real highlight of this animal! At our stage of work, it looks like a tail but is located on the opposite side. It is drawn narrower and more elongated. By the way, it looks a lot like a pelican’s beak.

how to draw a platypus cute

Step 4 – Sketch the Inner Parts of the Beak

Now let’s add some realism to the last detail. We connect the “nose” with the head with wavy lines, draw the upper and lower parts of the beak as shown below.

how to draw a platypus step by step

Step 5 – Sketch a Duckbill’s Eye

Our platypus is beginning to remotely resemble itself! So it’s time to draw the eye. It is located in the middle of the head and consists of two elements: a small circle and a dot inside it.

how to draw an animals platypus

Step 6 – Draw the Paws of the Platypus

Drawing the paws will be our next step. First, draw two paws closest to us. One is closer to the head, the second is next to the tail. Note the prominent indentation on each leg.

how to draw a platypus easy step by step

Step 7 – Draw the Fins of the Platypus

The base of the paws – the so-called legs – is ready. Now we draw the legs themselves. Do not forget to depict the part of the front paw hidden behind the body. Our platypus cannot cope without it!

easy way to draw a platypus

Step 8 Draw the Nails of a Platypus

The final touch will be drawing the details on the paws. This must be done carefully because they are quite small. Draw the claws not too long, but sharp enough. Compare your result with the picture.

steps on how to draw a platypus

Step 9 – Remove Extra Lines

Now remove all construction lines from the drawing, they are no longer needed. To make the drawing more expressive, you can trace the platypus drawing with clear and more dark lines.

how to draw a simple platypus

Step 10 – Color the Platypus

So let’s use colors to make our platypus perfectly finished. As the main color, you can choose light brown or dark brown. Do not forget about the bright yellow eyes. In addition, don’t forget the shadows. A darker shade of the main color will be an excellent choice for applying small shadows.

how to draw a platypus

So, the platypus is ready! We advise you to color it with brown pencils. If there are a desire and opportunity, you can use gouache, watercolors, or crayons. Unleash your imagination! By the way, an interesting fact about the platypus. He spends underwater up to 5 minutes at a time and spends up to 10 hours a day. So, write comments and share this lesson with your friends. Let them also learn to draw so beautifully and learn many new, useful facts about platypuses. See you soon!

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