How to Draw a Plate

In this lesson, you will learn how to draw a plate. This tutorial is going to be very simple, and it only consists of five steps.
So, our team has prepared this drawing lesson for you, in which we would like to tell and show you how to draw a plate step by step. This lesson will help you practice drawing simple geometric shapes.
The plate is a household item known to all of us, so the ability to draw it will be useful for you. Any aspiring artist or child can easily complete this lesson, so you can safely get to work.
To qualitatively complete this drawing lesson, you need to be able to draw an oval. Having learned how to draw a plate with the help of this drawing lesson, you can easily complement any still life you have drawn with the image of this object. If you are ready to start doing this work, then we wish you good luck and inspiration.
Time needed: 40 minutes
How to Draw a Plate
- Draw the outer contour of the plate.
First, you need to mark the outer edge of the plate. To do this, draw one large oval, as shown in the figure.
- Add the inside of the plate.
Now you should draw another smaller oval, placing it inside the previously drawn oval.
- Depict the outer part of the bottom of the plate.
Below the previously drawn large oval, you need to depict one small arc, as shown in the figure.
- Prepare the drawing for coloring.
Make sure that you have followed all the steps correctly, and if necessary, use the eraser to remove unnecessary elements from the picture.
- Color the drawing.
To color the plate, you should use different shades of gray. Mark the highlights, and color the bottom of the plate darker.
We are sure that you did great work, and now you have a beautiful drawing and also know how to draw a plate step by step. These were simple five steps to help you improve your artistic skills. On our site, you can also find other drawing lessons dedicated to depicting various household items. And now you can leave your comment on this lesson to share your impressions and wishes.