How to Draw a Lobster

In this lesson we will show how to draw a lobster. This lesson will help you improve your creativity and after completing it you will have a pleasant experience.
So, we bring to your attention an interesting and useful lesson in which you will learn how to draw a lobster step by step. This is a marine crayfish, which differs from crayfish in larger sizes.
The body of the lobster consists of several segments covered with a strong shell. The lobster has five pairs of legs, of which the first pair is powerful claws. With the help of our simple instructions, you can easily draw this aquatic inhabitant.
Time needed: 1 hour
How to Draw a Lobster
- Prepare baselines.
Using thin lines, depict the cephalothorax, the elongated oval belly and determine the position of the limbs.
- Add the claws.
Use a few smooth lines to define the size and location of the claws. Mark the places of the folds in the form of large dots.
- Outline the body of the lobster.
Focus on the auxiliary lines and carefully trace the lobster along the contour, giving it the desired shape. Draw the eyes, draw separate segments on the belly.
- Depict the mustache and tail.
Draw smooth lines from the head to the body to depict the thin mustache. With the help of several semicircular lines depict the tail.
- Sketch out the paws.
The Lobster legs consist of several segments connected in series. In this step, you have to give the paws the desired thickness.
- Draw the claws.
Give the claws the desired thickness and shape. Use curved and wavy lines to draw individual segments of the claw.
- Detail the surface.
Add small, curved lines at the base of the claws to represent the bumps. Draw thin lines on the cephalothorax.
- Correct inaccuracies.
The main outlines are ready, and you can carefully remove any extra lines on your drawing to prepare it for coloring.
- Color the drawing.
You will need different shades of red and orange. Use a darker shade for the spots on the lobster’s body and a lighter shade for the highlights.
We hope that you have correctly completed all the steps in this instruction, and you have a great drawing. We encourage you to follow us on social media if you haven’t already.