How to Draw a Leopard

In this lesson, we will show you how to draw a leopard. We are sure that you will like this guide and find it very useful.
We decided to dedicate this step-by-step guide to drawing a predatory feline mammal, and now you will learn how to draw a leopard. This is one of the most beautiful animals on our planet.
The leopard has an amazing color. The lower part of the body is light, and the rest of the body is covered with black spots of various sizes. Moreover, the location of the spots is unique, and each leopard has its own unique pattern on the body.
The leopard lives both in forests and in open spaces. The leopard deftly climbs trees and is an excellent swimmer. On the branches of trees, the leopard sleeps and hides its prey. The leopard is a good hunter, he has strong muscles, and he is able to develop great speed in pursuit of prey.
We hope that the acquired skills will definitely come in handy in the future when you want to draw other feline animals. Remember all the drawing steps and carefully draw all the lines.
Time needed: 1 hour
How to Draw a Leopard
- Draw the basics.
Depict three rounded shapes of different sizes at some distance from each other. In this case, use thin lines, which can be easily removed later.
- Add the back, tail, and limbs.
From above, draw a smooth connecting line between the circles. Draw the outline of the tail. At the bottom, mark the location of the limbs using thin, straight lines.
- Sketch out the front of the muzzle.
This will be a simple step, but you must follow it correctly and give the leopard’s head the necessary shape. From the forehead, draw a line down, mark the outline of the nose and upper jaw.
- Depict the bottom of the head.
Continue the lines and add the wide open mouth and a lower jaw that blends into the neck.
- Draw the elements of the muzzle.
Here you have to draw two small elements. Draw the eye of the same shape as in the example and add the nose.
- Add the rest of the elements of the head.
With the help of smooth curved lines, draw two small ears, depict a row of teeth in the mouth and add the sharp fangs.
- Sketch out the upper parts of the front paws.
From the thoracic section, draw down smooth lines to give the forelimbs the necessary thickness.
- Draw the lower parts of the front paws.
Now continue the lines and depict the feet. With the help of short strokes in a semicircular shape, depict the fingers on each paw.
- Depict the upper parts of the hind legs.
Use guidelines and add thickness to the hind legs. The hind legs have a wide base and taper towards the bottom.
- Add the lower parts of the hind legs.
Draw the lower parts of the hind legs in the same way as the front ones. Use smooth lines to depict the sole and consistently depict the toes.
- Draw the belly and tail.
Add a connecting line from the thoracic region to the pelvis. Then draw a long, curved line to add thickness to the tail.
- Correct inaccuracies.
Now you have drawn all the main body parts of the leopard, and it’s time to prepare your drawing for coloring. Carefully remove all extra lines.
- Add the spots.
On the body of the leopard, draw the lot of rounded spots. Please note that the largest spots are located on the upper body and on the tail, and the spots on the head and lower parts of the paws are the smallest.
- Check your drawing again.
Evaluate your drawing and determine if you have drawn enough spots. If necessary, add spots to make your drawing as similar as possible to the sample.
- Color the leopard.
Color the lower part of the head and torso in light beige, color the upper part in orange. Don’t forget to add shadows where necessary.
So the fascinating lesson on how to draw a leopard came to an end. If you wish, you can improve your drawing and add some environment, for example, draw a beautiful nature in the background. As a result, you will get an excellent drawing, you will be proud of yourself. Do not forget to leave a short review about this lesson.