How to Draw a Kangaroo

In this drawing lesson, you will learn how to draw a kangaroo. This drawing lesson consists of thirteen steps with a detailed description.
So, we are happy to offer you this exciting and useful drawing lesson, in which we will tell you how to draw a kangaroo step by step. This lesson will definitely help you develop your artistic skills, as the ability to draw animals is very important for any artist. A beginner artist or a child can easily cope with this task, since this step-by-step instruction was created for beginner artists with little experience in drawing.
Surely each of you has ever seen a kangaroo in various books, films, cartoons, or in real life. The hind limbs of a kangaroo are several times longer than the front ones, so kangaroos do not walk, do not run, but only jump. At the same time, they have a long and strong tail, which helps them to jump. A feature of these animals is the presence of a special bear on the belly of female kangaroos, where small cubs hide until they reach large sizes.
To draw a kangaroo, you need to carefully follow this instruction and carefully follow each step. We wish you good luck with this beautiful drawing.
Time needed: 1 hour
How to Draw a Kangaroo
- Draw the guidelines.
First, you need to make the markup to determine where the head and torso will be located. Draw several oval shapes.
- Add the contours of the neck, back, and belly of the kangaroo.
Now you need to connect the three previously drawn shapes using curved lines of different lengths, as shown in the figure.
- Start drawing the paws and tail of the kangaroo.
Now you again need to draw a few auxiliary lines to indicate the location of the tail, as well as the limbs of the kangaroo.
- Depict the outlines of the kangaroo’s face.
Near the previously drawn auxiliary lines indicating the location of the head, draw curved lines, as shown in the figure.
- Add the facial features of the kangaroo.
Inside the outline of the kangaroo’s head, draw the eye, nose, and mouth using curved lines of different lengths as shown.
- Sketch out the ears of the animal.
At the top of the kangaroo’s head, draw two ears pointing in different directions. Use curved lines of varying lengths.
- Add the outlines of the upper limbs.
Near the previously drawn auxiliary lines, with which you marked the location of the limbs, add a few curved lines.
- Sketch out the paw brushes.
Continue drawing the previously drawn lines using short, curved lines of varying lengths to draw the paws and toes.
- Draw the outlines of the lower limbs of the kangaroo.
Now you should draw a few curved lines near the auxiliary lines with which you marked the location of the lower legs.
- Add the feet of the animal.
Continue drawing the lower limbs by drawing long feet with toes. Use curved and rounded lines for this.
- Finish drawing the kangaroo tail.
Beside the previously drawn curved line denoting the outline of the kangaroo tail, draw another curved line to complete its drawing.
- Correct inaccuracies.
Now that you have drawn all the necessary outlines, you can use the eraser to remove the extra lines.
- Color the drawing.
To color the kangaroo, use black and shades of brown. Do not forget to draw the highlight on the eye and mark the shadow areas.
That’s the end of this fascinating kangaroo drawing lesson step by step, we hope you did great work with this work, and it helped you improve your artistic skills. Now you can draw a kangaroo if you want to draw a natural landscape, a zoo, or any other picture of this animal.