How to Draw a Drummer

how to draw a drummer

In this drawing lesson you will learn how to draw a drummer. This tutorial was created for those who have little experience in drawing and are looking to learn new skills.

So, now you will learn how to draw a drummer in a few easy steps. In this lesson, you will draw straight and curved lines, as well as simple geometric shapes.

In the picture you see a young man who plays percussion instruments. Follow all the steps in this guide in sequence and use the little tips that we have prepared for your convenience.

Time needed: 1 hour

How to Draw a Drummer

  1. Mark up.

    Determine the position of the head, upper and lower torso using several oval to draw a drummer for beginners

  2. Determine the position of the limbs.

    Draw the central axis of the torso and use lines of different lengths to depict the position of the arms and legs. Add the places of the folds in the form of to draw a drummer easy

  3. Draw the arms and legs.

    Focus on those lines that you drew in the previous step and add thickness to the arms and legs, while taking into account the anatomical features of the body structure. Draw the hands and feet.drummer drawing lesson

  4. Depict the outline of the face.

    Add the outline of the lower part of the face with smooth lines. Make a markup that will help to correctly position the facial features and add the ear on the side.drummer drawing tutorial

  5. Start drawing the drum set.

    Draw some shapes that are shaped like cylinders, squares, and circles. In this way you will determine the position of the drums on the installation.drummer drawing guide

  6. Sketch out the hi-hat on the sides.

    Draw the sides of the drum set, which are metal cymbals mounted on the high stand.simple drummer drawing

  7. Make the contours of the drummer clearer.

    Use the same lines that you drew earlier and carefully trace the outline of the drummer. Add the facial features, glasses, cap, hands. Depict the drumsticks and draw the shoes.cartoon drummer drawing

  8. Make the contours of the drum set clear.

    Carefully outline all the reels using clear lines. Draw transverse and longitudinal stripes on each drum. Add the legs at the bottom.realistic drummer drawing

  9. Add clarity to the rest of the elements.

    Now give the desired shape to the rest of the kit and make the drum cymbals located on the sides more clear.easy drummer drawing

  10. Correct inaccuracies.

    Compare the drawing with our example and correct the mistakes if necessary. Remove all extra lines in the drawing.drummer drawing

  11. Color the drawing.

    In this tutorial, you will need black, beige, brown, and orange. You can add the shadows and highlights to make the drawing more to draw a drummer

Now you know how to draw a drummer. If you want to be aware of all the updates on the site, then subscribe to us on social networks.

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