How to Draw a Coyote

How to draw a Coyote

In this tutorial, we will show you how to draw a coyote. Coyote is a steppe wolf. Unlike the common wolf, the coyote is smaller.

It has thicker and longer fur, an elongated fox-like muzzle, and large ears. Coyote lives on open plains, can live both in uninhabited places and near large cities.

This is an animal that can adapt to any conditions, perhaps, therefore, it is not endangered in any way. The coyote is a carnivore, mainly feeding on small animals.

To start this tutorial on how to draw a coyote, you will need a standard artist’s kit, whether it be a pencil and paper or a graphic tablet.


How to Draw a Coyote

Step 1 – Sketch the Basics

In the beginning, sketch the coyote’s head, ribcage, and pelvis in the form of simple ovals. They will serve as the basis for the future coyote drawing for us.

how to draw a coyote easy

Step 2 – Sketch the Spine and Limbs

To sketch the limbs and back, it is necessary to use the lightest lines possible. Do not forget that these lines will need to be erased later.

how to draw a coyote step by step

Step 3 – Draw the Tail and Belly

With a couple of simple and light lines, sketch out the lower edge of the neck and belly. Next, go to the tail, and draw it with long and smooth lines. The bottom edge of the tail should be drawn with short lines.

how to draw a coyote step by step easy

Step 4 – Draw the Snout of the Coyote

Now go to the head and start adding details. First, draw the nose in the form of a triangle. Next, draw the mouth with a few curved lines, as shown in our example.

how to draw a coyote cartoon

Step 5 – Draw the Eyes and Nostrils

To draw the eyes, the first sketch out their outlines. After that draw round pupils inside them. Next, go to the nose and draw the nostrils with a couple of short lines.

how to draw a picture of a coyote

Step 6 – Draw the Ears of the Coyote

The coyote has rather large ears, similar to two elongated triangles with rounded tips. Remember to keep the ears symmetrical.

how to draw an easy coyote

Step 7 – Draw the Front Leg

We can only see one front leg, as the far front leg of the coyote overlapped by the close one. Use dark and clear lines to draw the leg.

how to draw an easy coyote step by step

Step 8 – Draw the Front Paw of the Coyote

Now go to the bottom of the front legs to draw the paws. Note that in addition to the near paw, we can see here a part of the far paw.

how to draw a coyote for beginners

Step 9 – Draw the Hind Legs of the Coyote

The hind legs of the coyote are markedly different from the front ones. They are much more voluminous in the upper part and noticeably taper downward.

how to draw a cute coyote step by step

Step 10 – Draw the Hind Paws

The hind paws of the coyote are drawn exactly the same as the front. When drawing a coyote, do not forget to constantly check your sketch and compare it with our example to avoid mistakes.

how do you draw a cartoon coyote

Step 11 – Erase the Guidelines

To give your coyote drawing a more complete look, erase any unnecessary guidelines. Next, trace the entire drawing with a darker pencil or marker.

how to draw a coyote easy step by step

Step 12 – Color the Coyote Drawing

For coloring, we need black and several shades of brown, with which we will paint the fur. Do not forget to make shadows in some places – on the chest, paws, abdomen, and tail.

How to draw a Coyote

Did you succeed in this coyote drawing lesson? The main difficulty was to use the shades of brown correctly – one color on the ears, another on the back, and the third shade in dark places. It may immediately seem that this is not easy to do, because some skills are needed here.

Anyway, this is great training. If everything is done correctly, then our coyote drawing will look quite realistic, and if something did not work out, then do not be discouraged, gradually you will get better, and we will help with this by creating new interesting drawing lessons.

We always take into account your wishes when creating new lessons. We will be glad if you write what kind of animals you would like to see in our next lessons.


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