How to Draw a Care Bear

In this lesson we want to show you how to draw a care bear. Undoubtedly, this lesson will be very good and after its completion you will have a pleasant impression.
So, before you is a clear and accessible instruction on how to draw a care bear. This is one of the characters of the popular cartoon. Each bear has a symbol on its belly that defines the character’s character and can be used for magic.
In this lesson you will draw a blue bear, a cloud and raindrops are drawn on the belly of the bear. This is a grumpy bear who work as a mechanic and is a jack of all trades.
Time needed: 1 hour
How to Draw a Care Bear
- Prepare the base.
First draw the head in the shape of an oval and then add the torso using a smooth line.
- Add the limbs.
Now, using thin, curved lines, define the position of the upper and lower limbs.
- Draw the outline of the head and ears.
Focus on the auxiliary lines and carefully circle the head along the contour, giving it the desired shape. Draw the tuft of fur on the top of the head, and draw the ears.
- Depict the eyes and eyebrows.
Start drawing the elements of the muzzle and in this step draw the eyes and eyebrows of the same shape as in our example.
- Sketch out the front of the muzzle.
Draw the outline of the front of the muzzle using a semicircular line. Draw the heart shaped nose, add a mouth and a few dots on each side.
- Add one paw and tongue.
Use the guidelines as a guide and give one paw the desired shape and thickness. Draw the protruding tongue.
- Draw the second paw.
Depict the second paw in the same way as the first. Take your time and carefully draw all the lines.
- Sketch out the torso.
Use the lines drawn earlier as a guide and draw the sides of the torso. Then draw the big round belly.
- Depict the image on the belly.
Draw the cloud on the belly using curved lines and add large drops of rain at the bottom.
- Add one lower paw.
Depict the lower paw, which is slightly bent at the knee joint. The end of the foot is directed to the side.
- Draw the second paw.
Add the second paw in the same way as the first. Carefully draw all the lines and try to make the paw have the same shape as in the example.
- Correct inaccuracies.
When the main contours are ready, you can remove all auxiliary lines. If you notice mistakes, then correct them immediately.
- Color the drawing.
For coloring, you will need different shades of blue, as well as blue, pink, and black. Carefully highlight the dark areas.
The lesson has come to an end, and now you can evaluate the result of your work. Subscribe to us on social networks and follow the news.