How to Draw a Blue Bird

Surely you will enjoy a fascinating lesson on how to draw a blue bird. If you complete this lesson, you will acquire useful skills that will be useful for drawing any other birds.
So, before you is a clear and accessible instruction on how to draw a blue bird. There are many birds that have blue plumage. Here is a bird with a blue head, wing and tail.
It is believed that the blue bird brings happiness and good luck. We hope that after completing this tutorial you will have the most pleasant experience.
Time needed: 1 hour
How to Draw a Blue Bird
- Prepare baselines.
Draw a circle to represent the head and add a large oval a little lower to represent the torso. At the initial stage, use only thin lines.
- Add the central axis of the body, paws, and stone.
Draw a smooth line that will connect the head to the body and will serve as markings for the tail. Draw two paws, with uneven lines to depict the stone on which the bird stands.
- Detail the head.
Focus on the auxiliary lines and give the head the desired shape. Draw the eye in the form of an oval and outline the outline with a wavy line at the bottom of the head. Add the beak.
- Draw the outline of the torso.
Begin to give the bird the desired shape. Use a smooth line to draw the back, chest, and belly. With the help of wavy lines depict plumage in the lower part of the body.
- Sketch out the wing.
With the help of smooth lines depict the elongated wing. Add the feathers to the wing as shown in our example.
- Depict the tail.
Continue adding parts of the bird’s body and in this step use some straight lines to depict the thin tail of medium length.
- Add the paws.
Use the lines you drew earlier as a guide and give the paws the desired thickness and shape. Draw the fingers and add the sharp claws. Outline the stone.
- Detail the plumage.
On the body of the bird, draw short, thin strokes to give the drawing a more realistic look.
- Correct inaccuracies.
Take the eraser and carefully remove all the extra lines in the drawing. Correct errors if necessary.
- Color the drawing.
For coloring, use the brightest shade of blue, you will also need brown, black, and gray. Highlight the dark areas.
Now you have learned how to draw a blue bird. We want to know your opinion about this tutorial and will wait for your comments. Be sure to subscribe to us on social networks, if you have not already done so, to be aware of all the updates on the site.