How to Draw a Beaver

In this lesson, you will learn how to draw a beaver. I am sure you will enjoy this step-by-step guide and find it useful.
In this lesson, you will learn how to draw a beaver. This is a large rodent that has beautiful, valuable fur. In the picture, you can see that the beaver has short legs with thin fingers and claws. The beaver has a long, thick tail that it uses as a rudder and temperature regulator.
For most of their lives, beavers live in water and build dams. Beavers have strong, sharp teeth that can easily gnaw through even very large trees. Thus, beavers prepare a large amount of firewood for the winter.
This step-by-step guide is designed specifically for beginner artists, so it will be as detailed as possible. Each stage of drawing is demonstrated and supplemented with a useful recommendation. So, you can start the lesson.
Time needed: 50 minutes
How to Draw a Beaver
- Draw the base.
In this step, you must determine the size and location of the drawing. Draw the outer contour of the beaver, to do this, draw two circles. The large circle is the torso and the small circle is the head.
- Depict the neck and back of the body.
Gradually add the contours of the body. Draw smooth connecting lines between the head and torso to represent the neck and also add the back of the body.
- Add the front part of the muzzle.
Depict a smooth line from the top of the head and add the front of the muzzle. Note that the nose will be set high and the front of the muzzle will be slanted.
- Sketch out the nose and mouth.
With smooth curved lines, draw the outline of the nose and add the nostril on the side. A little lower draw the open mouth and large teeth.
- Depict the eye and ear.
This will be a simple step in which you will detail the head. Add the small eye that has an oval shape, and draw an ear at about the same level.
- Draw the front paws.
In front of the torso, draw four short lines in the same position as shown in our example.
- Add the paw brushes.
In this step, you will need to be careful, because now you will draw small elements. Add the paw brushes and draw the thin fingers.
- Sketch out the back paw.
In this perspective, you can see only one hind leg. The paw is very wide and has long thin fingers at the end.
- Depict the tail.
The drawing of the beaver is coming to an end, and now it remains to depict the last part of the body. At the bottom of the body, add the long, thick tail.
- Sketch out the fur.
Draw successive short strokes along the back line to represent the fur. Draw thin transverse lines on the tail.
- Remove the guidelines.
If you notice inaccuracies, then correct them at this stage.
- Color the beaver.
Color the beaver’s fur brown, and don’t forget to make shadows where necessary. Paint the nose and ear in dark brown. Color the paws and tail in dark gray.
The lesson is over, and now you have learned how to draw a beaver. Did you immediately achieve a good result, or did you encounter difficulties in the process of work? Share your impressions in the comments. If you wish, you can add to your drawing and come up with an environment for the beaver. For example, draw a beaver’s natural habitat and draw tree branches around it.